Sunday, October 2, 2011

Just Uploaded some Old Pictures...

Finally uploaded pictures that have been on my camera since the summer so I thought I would share.

 OH Look! We found an Italian man in Northern Romania. And he is cooking us gnocchi-his Italian grandmother's recipe. Yum.  Ok so his name is Marco and he is Jenny's man (she's a group 26 volunteer) and he makes the best gnocci I've ever had. End of story. Oh, and did I mention that he is a circus performer? Check out the pants! (Baie Mare, Northern RO)

See? Best gnocchi ever. And look at that presentation! And is that Parmesan cheese I see? Oh yes, he spoiled us. (Baie Mare, Northern RO)

Oh so happy to be trying real authentic Italian food.  (Baie Mare, Northern RO)

In Baie Mare (Northern Romania) at one of Marco's shows. Yes, there is fire throwing and other magical things going on here.

This is Chip, a lovely new volunteer from group 28. We worked together at the GLOW camp for girls this summer. And we made these shirts. She's amazing. (Baie Mare, Northern RO)

I saw this Ice Cream truck in a random neighborhood during the GLOW camp. Isn't it amazing? (Baie Mare, Northern RO)

This is Ester, another new volunteer and my partner in crime for the GLOW talent show. We danced the "Superman" dance and dressed the part. Tear drops and all. And indeed we do live on the west side.  (Baie Mare, Northern RO)

Jenny-group 26 volunteer and girlfriend of the man in the wild pants in picture numero uno. (I just realized she is wearing them here.) She also danced at the talent show with us. Like her grill? (Baie Mare, Northern RO)

Amazing campers at our GLOW camp, enjoying the outdoors before our bonfire and sing-a-long. (Baie Mare, Northern RO)

This is Megan. She is a new volunteer and pretty darn awesome.  We were out one night during our PC conference and she put together all of Romania's awesome "in" fashion. The headband, the sequined fanny pack, the URSUS beer t-shirt, and those mc hammer pants. Don't forget the gladiator sandals. Ahhh Romania.  (Sinaia, Central Romania)

There is a festival in town! While I was walking to the train station on Friday I saw an amusement park where I usually find sheep. (Recas)

Also on the way to the Train Station-workers in the field with their horse. (Recas)

Milo and Otis? I have seen these two together for about 4 months now. They were TIINNNNY when I first saw them and are truly best buds. They live by the train station and are usually like this, curled up asleep together. (Recas)

BOOKS!! An AMAZING girl scout troop in the states had a fundraiser and bought these books for my students!! Thank you so much to their leader Beth (former PCV!!) and the girls. I finally have enough copies of a book to have a literature section in my English Class. And The Hatchet is one of the best books out there, IMHO. THANK you again!

This is Tom, a 3rd year volunteer and one of the few volunteers living out here on the Westside. (There are 4 of us left!) We got together to have a taco night and a meeting. And maybe some beer. Here is Tom ready for his 30 minute bike ride home. Look at that vest and helmet!! PC would be so proud. (Arad, Western RO)

This is Breanna, our host for taco night and a PCV in my group! She is from the DC area most recently and she's super fun. She also gave me a box of Kraft Mac'n'Cheese she received from the states and I am forever grateful. Sometimes you just need that blue box. (Arad, Western RO)

This is Justin, another awesome 3rd year PCV and a westsider. Here he is showing us how he kills mosquitoes so that "the guts don't get all over the walls." Yes, that is a dishtowel. We have so much to learn from these older volunteers. :) (Arad, Western RO)

Finally, this is what we start to look like after years of PC hand-me-downs. I believe the hat, vest and scarf came from three separate volunteers and the Santa pen? Who knows. We be poor.

Hope you enjoyed the random photo dump. Today I ran a 5k in Timisoara and lived to tell the tale. The tale that will come TOMORROW hopefully with pictures. Hope you all had a great weekend!

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