Monday, February 6, 2012

More Snow.

As you've probably heard, (I hear it's actually on the news in the states!) Europe is getting hit rather hard with the most intense winter seen in years. This week, school has been canceled in some parts of eastern Romania and the rest of us in the west are making our way to school with snow that reaches our knees. I love Recas in the winter and the snow creates a whimsical atmosphere as I walk to classes.

Today was a huge day in Romania because after a month of protests, the Prime Minister resigned. Also the Cabinet. Stay tuned as more changes in the government are revealed and we see how/if this affects us as volunteers.

Here are some pictures I took today. 

Right outside of my place.

The Catholic Church.

My little pharmacy.

A park bench...barely.

A car loaded with baskets sitting in front of the Mayor's office.

The main road from Lugoj heading to Timisoara.

Don't worry-I stocked up on wine.

Love this shot.

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