Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Walk from the Train Station

I thought I would show you my route (in awesome pictures!)  from the good 'ol Recas train station back to my home. I walk this route frequently, each and every time I head to the big city for groceries, or to visit friends, etc. These pictures are from today. Enjoy!

 I start walking down the small road to the foot path, and I run into fields and fields of corn. Lots of corn.

Then, I reach the footpath. These geese look fun and sweet, but they are not. I'm not even going to sugarcoat it I hate these geese. They chase me, hiss at me, and one even bit my skirt once as I was running by. I loathe them, and each time I have to pass them I debate whether I should run, or walk slowly, or what is the best move to avoid getting bitten.  Today, they were more interested in harrassing the man in front of me, so I was more or less safe. For today.

 Getting closer to them...debating my next move. But they seem uninterested thank goodness.

 Successfully passed them!  You can see some of them are young, they don't even have their adult feathers.

 Then I pass some thorny thistles. I think they are gorgeous but would never walk barefoot around here.

 I live near that steeple, which is the Catholic church. Making my way down the footpath...

 I cross over a little bridge and this is to my right. That tire has been in the water since I arrived, but it looks like the rest of the trash has been picked up recently! Win.

 I run into chickens everywhere. Today was no exception.

 This is an example of what the older women in my village wear-usually a skirt, socks with sandals, and a head scarf. 

 I pass several beautiful gardens and grapevines. Everyone has grapevines!

  Just one of the 7 dogs that I met on the way home. This one was more curious than most.

 Time to cross the "main street". This road goes straight to Timisoara.

Another dog. This one acted all tough and then started following me home. He crossed that main road to do so, which always makes me nervous.
 This is a little monument to a person that died on the road.  Inside are pictures of the man, and tablets with information about his life and death.

The little punk dog following me home. I would turn around and he would act like he wasn't paying any attention to me and look away. We played this game most of the way home.

 This is what the "highway" signs look like.

 Yeah, he's still pretending to ignore me. :)

 I love the beautiful gates and vines everywhere.

 Another stray pup trying to get a nap in.
One of the two town pharmacies.

Walking through the center, I found one of my 11th grade students selling his wares-watermelons or "pepene rosu" and tomatoes.

 Here is my post office!

 The Catholic Church and the center of town-I'm almost home!

 Just another horse-drawn carriage sitting on the side of the street.

And finally, I pass my neighbor's dog, tied up and laying on his "house". Sometimes I throw him food and he in turn has stopped barking every time I walk pass. We have reached an understanding after a year.

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