Thursday, September 29, 2011


Finally, FINALLY fall is here! 

 My favorite season has arrived and I couldn't be happier. Lately the mornings here in Recas have been deceivingly cool because by the time I leave school it is blazing hot, which makes the walk home pretty uncomfortable. I've been desperately waiting to feel the crisp cool air that represents my favorite time of time. Finally, I got my wish. Today I walked outside for the first time in 2 days (I've been sick...that "back to school" flu I get every year from being around my little rug rats again.) and "that" air was there. I took a deep breath (as well as I could considering the circumstances) and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I noticed for the first time the leaves have actually changed colors and even started to fall onto the ground. Fall has crept into my little village and I hadn't even noticed. Funny how it takes something like being sick to make us slow down and appreciate our surroundings.
picture by Michael Stecker

Fall. It was this time last year when I felt most homesick. You see, for me fall represents the best part of the year in so many ways. Pumpkin patches, crisp air, hot apple cider, pumpkins and gourds on every front porch, my birthday. I love being able to wear warm, over-sized sweaters and scarves while sitting on a hayride and picking out my own pumpkin from a patch that spans for as far as the eye can see. And I actually really, really love carving pumpkins and pulling out all that nasty pulp. Gross.

So I left my house today in a foul mood, sick and feeling bad that I had a mountain of dirty dishes in my sink, a bathroom to clean, lessons to plan and an article to write that I just can't seem to get right no matter how many times I stare at the words on my screen. My goal was simply to go to the store and buy soap to clean said dirty dishes and detergent to do laundry (oh-yeah that has been piling up too). But when I walked out my door my mood instantly changed as the cool air hit me. It also helped that I found a kitten trailing me on the path to the store. The tiniest kitten I've seen in awhile was playfully batting at my shoelaces and chasing me. I finally relented (OK after about 5 seconds) and picked her up. She snuggled close for some love and started needing into my warm, over-sized sweater. Then just as quickly as she arrived, she jumped away, running down the path for a new adventure.

Nothing like Fall in New England

So today my mood has been lifted. I've opened all my windows letting the cool breeze flow over me and my little apartment while I do laundry, clean those dishes, nurse my sickness, and start planning for my school's Halloween Festival. After all, 'tis the season.

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