Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yes. Justin Bieber. Thanks to Amanda Decenzo.

I'm currently creating a flyer for the Fall Festival I'm helping to organize next week at school..the whirl of my washing machine blends quite nicely with the Justin Bieber song that is currently playing on my ITunes. Yes. Bieber.  THANKS AMANDA! :) I'm cold but I've cranked up the heat so hopefully that will kick in soon. Ah, another night in Recas.

Things are going well here at site.  I've gotten into the "teaching groove" and really am enjoying my classes.  I've given an few tests and am pleased with the progress that my student's have made, especially 9th grade. My 5th and 6th grades are OBSESSED with the "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" song (we're doing body parts) and they even performed it for my counterpart. Haha! My high school kids are always fun to have in class, and they are currently working on past tense verbs by keeping journals of their daily schedule-in English of course. I explained to them that I did this when I was in training in Targoviste, and I read them a few examples of my journals in Romanian. They got a big kick out of my accent but mostly seemed fine with the idea and I've noticed small changes such as " I DID my homework", not "I MADE my homework." I also always seem to read, "I looked at the TV" instead of "I watched the TV". I had to make that correction real fast and they laughed when I asked them if they sat there and looked at the TV as it was off... :)

Good weekend to come-I've been invited by the High School to be a judge for Mr. & Mrs. Recas at the Prom on Friday! Excited about that then off to Arad for a Peace Corps 80's night. Should be spectacular. pics of my 80's hair to come for sure.

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